History of creation and general project activity
2016 year
- Foundation of FactCheck-Ukrainе Project by activists of NGO URT (Ukrainian Reformers Team).
- Participation of project representatives in the World Fact-Checkers Forum of IFCN network.
- Creating the first in Ukraine Rating of Politicians’ Truth and Lies.
- Launching a fact-checking section for Espresso TV Channel.
- Broadcasting 12 issues of the section.
- Creating the first fact-checking training course.
- Conducting two fact-checking trainings.
- Conducting 457 fact-checking cases examining politicians’ statements by the project specialists.
2017 year
- Creation and publishing the first in Ukraine fact-checking manual Fact-Fheck as a Trend in Journalists’ Investigations.
- Conducting trainings for journalists from Kazakhstan (Imedia NET Information Centre).
- Partnership in creating FactCheck.КZ, a fact-checking resource in Kazakhstan.
- Creating and launching a regional fact-checking resource Checkregion-ua.info.
- Conducting post-training mentoring of 52 regional journalists.
- Participation in Vth Lviv Media Forum.
- Participation in Donbas Media Forum 2017.
- Participation in VIIIth Central Asian Forum InternetCA-2017.
- Participation in IInd Media Forum of Eastern Partenrship. Conducting master classes.
- Participation in the Conference for Fact-Checkers from the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Ukraine (Brno).
- Publishing a fact-checking manual in the Kazakh and Russian languages (Kazakhstan).
- Creation and registration of NGO Centre for Analytics and Investigations.
- Conducting the first All-Ukrainian Contest of Fact-Checking Investigations for Students and Young Journalists with the support of Association for International Affairs (AMO), the Czech Republic.
- Conducting the First International Interregional Fact-Checking Conference involving representatives of regional media and fact-checkers from the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Russia and representatives of 12 Ukrainian regions.
- Conducting 28 regional training at universities, local journalists’ associations, editorial offices.
- Conducting 224 fact-checking cases examining politicians’ statements and publications in media.
2018 year
- Rebrending FactCheck-Ukrainе Project – creating BezBrekhni Project by NGO Centre for Analytics and Investigations.
- Participation in IXth Central Asian Forum InternetCA-2018.
- Participation in International Conference Wechange for NGOs from Eastern Partnership countries.
- Participation in creating a media literacy textbook for media trainers (partnership with Academy of Ukrainian Press, DW Akademia).
- Creating a methodological instruction manual on fact-checking for univesrity students.
- Organizing and conducting IInd Contest of Fact-Checking Investigations among university students with the support of Association for International Affairs (AMO) the Czech Republic)).
- Realization of the Project Fact-Check as a Tool for Controlling the Pre-Election and Election Process in the Regions of Ukraine with the help of Media Development Fund of the U. S. Embassy in Ukraine.
- 37 trainings on media literacy and fact-checking were conducted within the frameworks of own projects and for such partners as: DW Akademie, Open Society Institute (Tajikistan), Academy of Ukrainian Press, MediaNet (Kazakhstan).
- Conducting 268 fact-checking cases examining politicians’ statements and publications in media.
2019 year
- Realization of the Project Fact-Check as a New Trend of Promoting the Principles of Democracy in the Regions of Ukraine with the help of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Ukraine.
- Organizing an internship of Ukrainian students of regional universities in Germany (Berlin, TAZ Editorial Office).
- Realization of the Project Fact-Check as a Tool for Controlling the Election Process in the Regions of Ukraine During the Parliamentary Elections with the help of Internews Ukraine.
- BezBrekhni Project became a mentoring partner of a fact-checking project Factcheck.tj (Tajikistan).
- Participation in Donbas Media Forum 2019.
- Participation in creating a media literacy textbook for pupils of 9th-11th forms of schools of Central Asia in cooperation with specialists from Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan.
- Conducting 42 trainings on media literacy and fact-checking within the framework of own projects for such partners as: DW Akademie, IREX (Ukraine), Academy of Ukrainian Press, MediaNet (Kazakhstan), Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, N-ost.
- Conducting 411 fact-checking cases examining politicians’ statements and publications in media.
2020 year
- Realization of the project Countering Fakes and Misinformation about COVID-19 – providing the public with reliable information about the coronavirus pandemic (with the support of Internews Rapid Response Fund).
- Realization of the Project Fact-Checking Brain Ring – a new format of introduction of modern knowledge and formats of mastering skills in the educational process of future journalists, with the support of Media Development Fund of the U. S. Embassy in Ukraine.
- Realization of the Project Online Quizzes as a new format of knowledge and skills in media literacy in conditions of the pandemic (with support of Academy of Ukrainian Press).
- Realization of the project Counteraction of Independent Regional Media to Manipulation of Public Opinion, Propaganda and Misinformation with the help of fact-checking tools during 2020 local elections (with support of Internews Ukraine).
- Launching a mutual Coronafake Project for countering the spread of fakes and manipulations about COVID-19 pandemic together with the partners of On the Other Side of the News Project.
- Launching Fakebusters initiative, the first Ukrainian competition in media literacy in brain ring format.
- Creating a Dictionary of Media Literacy Terms.
- Creating a manual in media literacy for trainers working with difficult teenagers (for the countries of the Central Asia (with support of IREX (Europe)).
- Conducting 51 webinars and trainings on media literacy and fact-check within the frameworks of own projects for such partners as: DW Akademie, IREX (Europe), Academy of Ukrainian Press, MediaNet (Kazakhstan), Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Friedrich Naumann Foundation Ukraine, Internews (Ukraine), Eastern Partnership Thomson Reuters Foundation, IFES, IWPR.
- Conducting 647 fact-checking cases examining politicians’ statements and publications in media.
2021 year
- Conducting of the “First All-Ukrainian Media Literacy Olympiad” brain-ring “Feikotroschi” competition – five qualifying rounds.
- Holding of the Final Competitions of the “First All-Ukrainian Media Literacy Olympiad” in the brain-ring format “Feikotroschi” – determining the winners.
- Development of a collection of exercises and tasks on media literacy.
- Conducting a five-day TOT format training for media literacy specialists of Central Asian countries with the support of IREM (Europe) – training 12 mentor trainers.
- Mentoring and consulting work to support the creation of original coaching courses by coaches and mentors.
- Development of new training programs on fact-checking and media literacy “Games of experts”, “Spreading and combating disinformation – new trends”, “Political manipulation”.
- Conducting webinars on countering disinformation for DW Akademy.
- Conducting webinars on countering disinformation by the Academy of the Ukrainian Press with the support of Friedrich Naumann Foundation Ukraine and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung – 11 webinars.
2022 year
- Carrying out preparatory activities for the implementation of the project “Second All-Ukrainian Olympiad on countering disinformation – Feykotroshchi. Involvement of more than 100 educational institutions.
- Reformatting the work of the project in connection with the beginning of a full-scale war of Russia against Ukraine – focusing the project’s activities on exposing and countering Russian propaganda and disinformation.
- Launch of the Virtual Media Hub initiative to support the activities of regional journalists affected by Russia’s war against Ukraine.
- Implementation of projects on exposing and countering disinformation with the support of such donor organizations as: National Endowment For Democracy, The Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation A Project of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, PCSC (Prague Civil Society Center), ERIM.
- Development of training courses “Fraudulent fakes during the war”, “Wartime fakes”, “IPSO – tools and countermeasures”, “Soldiers of propaganda.
- Conducting a series of webinars in cooperation with the Academy of the Ukrainian Press – 24 events – on the topic of countering Russian disinformation and propaganda.
- Preparation of more than 700 publications exposing Russian propaganda and disinformation.
2023 year
- Implementation of projects to expose and counter Russian disinformation and propaganda with the support of such donor organizations as: National Endowment For Democracy, PCSC (Prague Civil Society Centra), ERIM,
- Media Assistance Fund of the US Embassy in Ukraine, Internews Network, European Endowment for Democracy.
- Support and expansion of the activities of the virtual Media Hub and the Network of projects to counter disinformation.
- Development of training programs and courses: “Disinformation during war”, “Propaganda for changing meanings”, “IPSO – technologies of influence. Countermeasures”,
Propaganda narratives. - Implementation of joint projects with such organizations as: Academy of Ukrainian Press, Institute of Development of Regional Press, MediaNet (Kazakhstan).
- Conducting 31 trainings and webinars within the framework of partner and own projects.
- Preparation of more than 750 publications exposing Russian propaganda and disinformation.
2024 year
- Implementation of projects on exposing and countering Russian disinformation and propaganda with the support of such donor organizations as: Media Assistance Fund of the US Embassy in Ukraine, Internews Network, European Endowment for Democracy, National Democratic Institute of International Relations (NDI).
- Conducting 26 trainings and webinars within the framework of partner and own projects.
- Implementation of joint projects with such organizations as: the Academy of the Ukrainian Press, the National European Union of Journalists, the Center for Strategic Communications under the Ministry of Culture.
- Support for the activities of the Network of Anti-Disinformation Projects.
- Starting to scale the YouTube channel “Truth about Lies”.
- Preparation of more than 500 publications and videos exposing Russian propaganda and disinformation.