Rules for the introduction of changes, additions, corrections, and clarification into fact-checking materials   – Без Брехні

Rules for the introduction of changes, additions, corrections, and clarification into fact-checking materials

In their work, BezBerkhny team members observe the basic rules of fact-checkers and the standards of journalism.

Editors can make changes, updates, corrections and clarifications in the already published materials.

When making significant changes in fact-checking materials, namely:

  • additions and clarifications that lead to changes in the content and essence of the publication;
  • changes in the verdict (in one or more points of fact-checking research);
  • making changes due to the disappearance of the data source;
  • explanations, clarifications in connection with the appearance of new data, facts or documents

the following steps are required for editors:

  • to place information about the update and its brief description at the beginning of the material as well as to write “updated” in the title of the publication;
  • to update the post of the material on social networks, where the project page is available, with a mandatory notification of changes in the publication and their brief description;
  • if there is an error in the material (for example, the erroneous source used, the arguments of the proof are incorrectly interpreted, etc.), or a significant technical error (for example, indicating the amount in billions instead of millions, misprint in proper names),  necessary changes are inserted into the material itself and the post about the material on social networks is updated with a corresponding notice of changes and additions; apologies to readers are published on behalf of the editors;
  • in a situation where an error in the fact-checking material leads to such consequences as a change of the verdict, the editorial board analyzes the situation that led to such consequences, amends the material, changes the verdict accordingly and publicly apologizes to readers, to the publication that became the object of the research or to the person whose citation was taken for review.

Making minor changes in the fact-checking research

Making minor insignificant changes in materials may occur in the following circumstances:

  • minor spelling, grammatical,  content errors and typos; in this case, the editors make additional proofreading;
  • explanation or clarification of the conclusions that led to the establishment of such a verdict – the editorial board publishes additional information (but not more than one paragraph – 2-4 sentences) which explains the verdict;
  • the appearance of new data or sources on the topic of fact-checking investigation – in this case, the editors insert new information into the material (if necessary, marked “update” in the title of the article and in the post about the material on social networks).

These rules apply to all copyrighted or editorial materials.

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