Trainings on methodical materials – Без Брехні

Trainings on methodical materials


So far, 165 trainings, master classes, workshops, webinars for more than 20 partner organizations have been conducted by project specialists. Namely:

Names of organizations Number
Own projects 54
The Academy of Ukrainian Press 21
DW Akademie 16
Friedrich Naumann Foundation Ukraine 14
MediaNet (Kazakhstan) 12
The Open Society Institute Foundation  (Tajikistan) 5
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung 6
IREX (Ukraine) 4
IREX (Europe) 5
Internews (Ukraine) 2
Internews (Kazakhstan) 2
Eastern Partnership Thomson Reuters Foundation 1
IWPR (Uzbekistan) 3
N-ost 4
Other partners 14

Methodological activity

Textbooks and manuals

  1. Publishing the first fact-checking Methodological manual in Ukraine (2017, by O. Horokhovsky).
  2. Republishing the first fact-checking manual in Ukraine (2018, by O. Horokhovsky).
  3. Republishing the first fact-checking manual in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan in three languages: Russian, Tajiki, Kazakh (2017–2018).
  4. Manual in media literacy for trainers (2018. Publisher: DW Akademy, The Academy of Ukrainian Press. Co-author: О. Horokhovsky).
  5. Manual Fact-Checking Instruction for University and College Students (2018, by O. Horokhovsky).
  6. Manual in media literacy for pupils of 9th-11th forms (2019, published by Internews-Kazakhstan, MediaNet (Kazakhstan). Co-author: О. Horokhovsky).
  7. Dictionary of Media Literacy Terms. (2020, authors: О. Horokhovsky, O. Melnykova-Kurhanova, N. Ostrovska, P. Myroshnychenko).
  8. Manual in media literacy for trainers working with difficult teenagers (for the countires of the Central Asia, 2020. Published by IREX (Europe). By О. Horokhovsky).

Training courses

  1. Training course in fact-checking for journalists.
  2. Training course in fact-checking for students of universities and colleges.
  3. Training course in media literacy for school pupils and youth.
  4. Training course in fact-checking and media literacy for media trainers.
  5. Training course in fact-checking and media literacy for teachers of schools, colleges and universities.
  6. Training course combatting disinformation in infodemic conditions.
  7. Training and methodological project Fakebusters, Competition in Media Literacy in Brain Ring Format.
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