Lies and manipulation of the press secretary of the head of the Kremlin, Peskov, about the results of the NATO anniversary summit in Washington – Без Брехні

Lies and manipulation of the press secretary of the head of the Kremlin, Peskov, about the results of the NATO anniversary summit in Washington

The ink on the documents of the anniversary summit of NATO in Washington has not yet dried, and the Russian information machine, in the person of the press secretary of the head of the Kremlin, Peskov, commented on the event in the best traditions of propaganda at a press conference for the TASS agency. We analyzed several key messages of Peskov, which turned out to be outright manipulation, untruths and showed both the historical and political ignorance of the Kremlin leadership.


False / Manipulation

MESSAGE 1. “The North Atlantic Alliance once again confirmed its essence in a very prominent way. This is an alliance created in the era of confrontation with the goal of maintaining confrontation.” Peskov noted that NATO continues to successfully perform these functions, resulting in increased tension on the European continent.

If Peskov had studied well at school, or had read primary sources instead of propagandistic methods, he would have known that the creation of NATO in 1949 to contain the USSR is a Soviet cliché. The launch of the Alliance was part of a broader effort to serve three main goals: curbing Soviet expansionism, preventing the revival of nationalist militarism in Europe by ensuring a strong presence on the North American continent, and promoting European political integration.

Moreover, the very decision to create the alliance was a step in response to Soviet aggression in Europe: in February 1948, with the help of the USSR, the democratic government of the Czech Republic was overthrown and a communist regime was established, and West Berlin was blocked.

Since the beginning of the founding of the Alliance, it has not started a single conflict or confrontation in Europe. The very existence of such a consolidated force saved the European community from any conflicts for more than half a century.

However, both the USSR during the Cold War and Russia after Putin came to power created foci of tension in Europe with varying degrees of activity.

So Peskov’s message is a lie and manipulation.



MESSAGE 2. “Steps by Western countries to support Ukraine’s accession to NATO require Moscow to take countermeasures to restrain the alliance…”

Peskov openly manipulates by hiding some facts and emphasizing others. Yes, only Ukraine’s intentions to one day join NATO and the support of this aspiration by Western countries cause the Kremlin to be negative and attack “retaliatory mayors”. At the same time, Moscow actually “swallowed” the entry of Finland and Sweden into the Alliance – no one declared these countries “his”. Despite the fact that now the border between the Russian Federation and NATO has increased by 1,300 km. And we remember how the Kremlin dictator justified “his” against Ukraine by the fact that if “his” had not started, there would be “NATO bases” on the borders of the Russian Federation.

But here is the Alliance and its bases on the northern borders of the Russian Federation, but there are no “retaliatory countermeasures” taking place there… So, Peskov’s message is manipulation!



MESSAGE 3. “We see that our opponents in Europe and the United States do not recognize themselves as supporters of dialogue. Judging by the documents adopted at the NATO summit, they are not supporters of peace.”

Literally from the first days of the war against Ukraine, Moscow began to promote the narrative that it was forced to start “its” because no one heard it. And at the same time, the Kremlin declared that it is ready for negotiations, open to negotiations, seeks peace. Let’s leave behind the scenes even the fact that for every statement of the leaders of the Kremlin, there is not one massive missile attack on Ukraine, the consequences of which are numerous victims among the civilian population.

A vivid example of Moscow’s interpretation of “readiness” for peace is the shelling of the Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital on July 8 and the death (according to the State Emergency Service. of 33 people, including 5 children, and Putin’s talks almost simultaneously with this event with the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, where they talked (in that composition) about negotiations on the cessation of hostilities.

In addition, representatives of the Kremlin, announcing populist statements about readiness for a “peaceful settlement of the situation in Ukraine”, manipulatively leave two key things behind the scenes:

– that it was Russia that started the war;

– and that Russia itself is ready for the same peace negotiations, but – on its terms – as they say in diplomatic casuistic language: taking into account the realities that have developed today – that is, on the condition that the Russian Federation leaves behind the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.



MESSAGE 4. “NATO is de facto fully involved in the conflict around Ukraine. This also needs to be established, and in this case it is time to call all the processes here by their proper names.”

According to the Kremlin’s logic, if someone supports Ukraine – morally, economically, politically, with military equipment – then he is “involved in the conflict”. Then, according to the same logic, the Kremlin should announce that the Russian side is “involved in the conflict”:

– Iran, because it supplies Russia with kamikaze drones and other military equipment;

– North Korea, from which Russia buys artillery shells and missiles and conducts negotiations on the supply of equipment;

– China, from which Russia buys strategic materials and equipment for its military industry (despite the fact that the Chinese themselves call it normal trade relations).

However, the Kremlin does not talk about it, but manipulatively camouflages the supply of weapons and resources with “partnership relations”.

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